The colors suggested here are a very general recommendation.
Due to the large number of slightly different materials on the market and the variety of surface treatment options, the adhesive and other color properties can be greatly changed. It is therefore absolutely necessary to test the suitability for your purposes before using the respective colors. Be sure to request samples for experiments under practical conditions!

Luminous stamping ink I view product

Colourless stamping ink visible as intense blue fluorescent colour under UV light at a wavelength of 366 nm. Soaks into porous surfaces quickly.

Luminous stamping ink ST view product

Colourless stamping ink visible as intense blue fluorescent colour under UV light at a wavelength of 366 nm. Soaks into porous surfaces quickly.

Luminous stamping ink LT view product

Colourless stamping ink visible as intense blue fluorescent colour under UV light at a wavelength of 366 nm. Soaks into porous surfaces quickly.

Luminous stamping 1067 view product

Nearly colourless stamping ink which becomes luminous under UV light with a wavelength of 366 nm.

Luminous stamping ink II view product

Colourless stamping ink visible as intensive blue fluorescent colour under UV light at a wavelength of 366 nm.

Luminous stamping ink 948 view product

Colourless stamping ink visible as intensive blue fluorescent colour under UV light at a wavelength of 366 nm.

Luminous stamping ink 1073 P view product

A milky colourless stamping ink that is excited to emit light under UV light at 366 nm. The intense yellow luminescence covers very well the optical brighteners in white papers, but not to see in daylight and can not be copied.

Luminous stamping ink III view product

Colourless stamping ink visible as intensive blue fluorescent colour under UV light at a wavelength of 366 nm.

Luminous stamping ink 4430 P view product

This new water-based stamping ink with intense yellow fluorescence under UV light, was developed specifically for non-porous surfaces. The stamping ink is harmless and VOC-free, smudge-resistant, dries relatively fast on all surfaces and is easily visible on white, brightened with added optical activators surfaces under UV light.

Luminous stamping ink 8530 PR view product

An invisible containing UV marker special ink that has been developed for self-inkers of COLOP and TRODAT which stays long fresh for stamping. This ink is great for quality controls in production areas where no visible QS-marks has to be seen. It dries quickly to non-absorbent surfaces and lights intense bluish-white under UV light.

Extremely versatile stamping ink. Excellent both for manual stamping as well as automatic marking with flexographic presses.

Versatile stamping ink for non-porous surfaces, very similar to the ink R 9 but specially developed for use with photo polymer stamps

200 PR stamping ink is a transparent special ink capable of remaining open for long periods developed especially for use in Self-inking rubber stamps like PRINTY.

200 PR P stamping ink is a special pigmented ink capable of remaining open for long periods developed especially for use in Self-inking rubber stamps like PRINTY's.

CO 4713 is fast drying solvent-based stamping ink for non-absorbent materials of a light background colour.

Coloris 4000 P Metallic view product

Water-based, quick drying pigmented special ink for universal use.

8280 P has a high concentration of extremely fine pigments making it extremely colour fast. The pigments ensure good covering capacity and minimum precipitation making this stamping ink excellent for marking dark as well as light backgrounds.

The 8079 P is a special variant of our highly regarded universal stamping ink 8080 P, it has been specially developed for foreign countries with the same chemical and physical properties as the 8080 P, but without this ink as dangerous goods applies, not even as well in air transport.

8080 P is a pigmented stamping ink developed specially for MARK II pads, weather-resistant and colour fast.

8081 P is a faster drying version of the 8080 P, which does not limit or otherwise affect the good properties in the Mark-II pad.

Stamping ink 8085 P is a low binding agent version of 8081 P, developed specially for automatic metering systems.

Much faster drying stamping ink as the universal ink of R 9, but it is also extremely versatile. It is ideal for manual stamping, but also for automatic labeling by means of flexographic printing.

Fast drying and excellent coverage golden special solvent based ink does not stick after drying and has a very high gloss. Based on the resin binder, this pigmented stamping ink is also suitable for applications with high working temperatures. This ink has an extremely high colour strength and light fastness and enables excellent markings on various materials; even porous surfaces can be very well marked.

BEROLIN ARISTON P view product

BEROLIN ARISTON P is a stamping ink which is resistant to washing and the usual solvents used in dry cleaning, which does not attack the fabric.

8300P stamping ink is resistant to washing and virtually all common solvents used for dry cleaning. In spite of its strong adhesion to the fibers, the ink does not attack the fabric.

Pigmented stamping ink for temporary marking of linens, e.g. for quality control or production steps. In spite of it's intense colour, this stamping ink hardly soaks into the fiber so that it can usually be removed easily from common textiles by washing with warm water and standard commercial detergents.

Felt plate pad view product

This metal box with the replaceable felt pad is meant for pigmented stamp-pad inks and volatile solvent inks, which cannot be used with a normal office stamp pad nor with the soli plate pad, because the pigments are too coarse.

Soli plate pad view product

This metal box with the replaceable foam pad is meant for fine-pigmented stamping inks and volatile solvent inks, which cannot be used with a normal office stamp pad.

SOLI round pad view product

The Soli round pad is unique in the stamp market. This metal box with its tight lockable lid is especially meant for finest pigmented stamping inks with very volatile solvents. For example the quick drying endorsing ink BA 4710 is very suitable for use in this stamping pad because of the ingenious airtight box closure. This ensures that the pad stays moist for a long time. Regular office stamp pads or plate stamp pads are mostly unusable for such stamping inks, because these pads dry too quickly. Not to be used with water-based inks; the metal can corrode.

Steel etching pad view product

Our synthetic COLORIS stamp-pad with its special cotton pad is ideal for highly corrosive special inks Steel etching ink 4726 and Bronze oxide 4727.

Coloris Stamp pad view product

This attractive synthetic stamp-pad, ultramodern in design, never fails to impress with its large capacity for all water-based office stamp-pad inks, particularly for our high-quality 4010 ink.

Mark II stamp pad view product

The Mark II pad is a unique, double-sided and re-inkable stamp-pad which can be filled with quick-drying transparent or some pigmented inks and stays moist and usable for months on end.

KROSKA P is a slightly slower drying, pigmented, solvent-based stamping ink which provides extremely good coverage for colour-fast and weather-resistant prints. Suitable primarily for non-absorbent, dark (also some light) background materials.

BA 4710 is a fast drying, translucent, in yellow and white pigmented stamping ink which is weather-resistant and colour fast

981 is an extremely fast drying, translucent stamping ink developed specially for tin cans. The high quality binding agent gives better temperature resistance than with CO 4713.

Our unique HT 117 P stamping ink is highly pigmented and provide extremely well covering, colour fast prints resistant to high temperatures.

Our unique HT 118 P stamping ink is highly pigmented and provide extremely well covering, colour fast prints resistant to high temperatures.

Our unique HT 119 P stamping ink is highly pigmented and provides extremely well covering, colour fast prints resistant to high temperatures.

The stamping ink 843 P is a highly pigmented, water-based ink developed especially for marking welding electrodes by using flexographic presses or manual stamping.

186 is an extremely fast drying, translucent special stamping ink for non-absorbent light coloured materials. The colours white and yellow are pigmented.

186 III is an fast drying, translucent special stamping ink for non-absorbent materials. The colours white and yellow are pigmented.

186 V-6 is an slower drying, translucent special stamping ink for non-absorbent materials. The colours white and yellow are pigmented.

Egg stamping ink EU view product

This food marking ink for eggs was developed to meet current EU guidelines. It will include only dyes such as E127 - Erythrosine, E133 - Brilliant Blue FCF, E155 - Brown HT used those listed in the new Regulation EU 1333/2008, which replaces the Regulation 94/36 / EC Article 2 § (8) will. All other ingredients also have E-numbers, are listed in EINECS and approved for food.

Meat stamping ink EU view product

This food marking ink for meat is developed to meet current EU Guidelines and approved for use in slaughter houses.

Cheese stamping ink EU view product

This stamping ink was developed for cheese marking according to current EU Guidelines and suitable for use with foodstuffs.

These stamping inks were developed specially to meet current EU guidelines for use in the foodstuff packaging industry.

These stamping inks were developed specially to meet current EU guidelines for use in the foodstuff packaging industry.

These stamping inks were developed specially to meet current EU guidelines for use in the foodstuff packaging industry.

These slightly slower drying stamping inks were specially developed according to current EU guidelines for use in the foodstuffs packaging industry.

R 9 FP ST view product

These slightly quicker drying stamping inks were specially developed according to current EU guidelines for use in the foodstuffs packaging industry.

These slightly slower drying stamping inks were developed to meet current EU guidelines for use in the foodstuffs packaging industry.

These slightly slower drying stamping inks were developed to meet current EU guidelines for use in the foodstuffs packaging industry.

8480 FP P view product

These quick drying pigmented stamping inks was developed specially to meet current EU guidelines for use in the food packaging industry.

8580 FP P view product

A very environmentally friendly pigmented, water-based stamping ink without solvents and hazardous substance labeling, is suitable for marking rubber, many plastics, metals but also food packaging with direct food contact and sharing of food, such as fruit or vegetable peels that are not eaten.

KRO 4714 P view product

KRO 4714 P is a quick drying, pigmented, stamping ink providing extremely good coverage, colour fast and weather-proof imprints. Suitable primarily for non-absorbent, dark background (also some light background materials).

337 is a quick drying, transparent stamping ink developed especially for polyethylene bags. Yellow and white are also available but they are pigmented.

790 - 790 P view product

790 is a quick drying, stamping ink developed especially for plastics.

790 LT is a slower drying stamping ink developed especially for plastics.

In spite of its flexible binding agent, 794 I P is a quick drying, highly pigmented solvent-based stamping ink which provides very good coverage, is colour fast and weather-proof.

382 P is a slightly slower drying, pigmented, solvent-based stamping ink which provides extremely good coverage for colour fast prints.

382 E2 P is a quick drying, pigmented, solvent-based stamping ink with extremely good coverage which provides colour fast prints which are extremely resilient after drying.

1051 P is a solvent-based, pigmented stamping ink which dries slightly faster than 382 E2 P.

1026 is a slower drying, low viscosity, translucent solvent-based stamping ink. It was developed especially for Styrofoam or similar hard-foam panels and does not attack common types of EPS foam.

1026 ST is a quick drying, low viscosity, translucent solvent-based stamping ink. It was developed especially for Styrofoam or similar hard-foam panels and does not attack common types of EPS foam. A slower drying version 1026 is also available.

947 IV was developed especially for printing presses using cartridges with integrated felt or foam rubber reservoir. The binding agent prevents the ink cartridge diaphragms from sticking.

4731 is a quick drying, low viscosity, alcohol-based stamping ink with very low percentage of binding agent. It was developed especially for micrometering and spraying systems to avoid clogging the fine nozzles.

Stamping ink 50 is a low-viscose, quick drying ink, specially developed for use on plastics.The ink is flexible and very quickly becomes smudge-proof on many types of plastic foil.

150 UV LED view product

A pigmented stamping ink based on acrylate that polymerizes under UV LED light at 366 or 385 nm and can be used for all materials.

This oil-based stamping ink was developed especially for absorbent surfaces where high resistance to the effects of light and weather is required.

Concrete marking ink P view product

A special oil-base stamping ink developed for concrete surfaces where high colour fastness and weather resistance is required.

Quick drying, pigmented solvent-based stamping ink developed especially for absorbent surfaces.

Highly pigmented, however still low viscosity solvent-based stamping ink developed especially for non-absorbent surfaces.

Low viscosity, solvent-based stamping ink developed especially for automatic printing on absorbent surfaces.

A slightly thicker stamp ink than the 777, which has been specially developed for high-speed machine printing on absorbent surfaces.

SIGNO-Spray P view product

High quality ink with intensive colour available in 400ml spray cans. The propellent gas consists exclusively of an ecological mixture of propane/butane.

SIGNO-EX P view product

A high quality, colourful ink for covering over and over-spraying old or incorrect inscriptions on card board or wood. Only environmentally-friendly propane/butane mixes are used as propellant.

CERAMYK 8730 view product

The CERAMYK 8730 has been specially developed for glazed ceramics so that commercial kitchens, show kitchens or youth hostels can label their dishes to prevent confusion or theft.

Stamp cleaner GF view product
Water-based solvent mixture for cleaning stamps and print blocks which are soiled or have sticky ink deposits.
Stamp cleaner 390 view product
Alcohol-based solvent mixture for cleaning stamps and clichés soiled or sticky with solvent-based ink.
Stamp cleaner 1064 view product
Alcohol-based solvent mixture for cleaning stamps and stamp blocks soiled or sticky with solvent-based ink.
Thinner 405 view product
Alcohol-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.
Thinner 410 view product
Alcohol-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.
Thinner 415 view product
Alcohol-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.
Thinner 420 view product
Alcohol-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.
Thinner 425 view product
Alcohol-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.
Thinner 430 view product

Alcohol-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.

Thinner 435 view product

Water-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.

Thinner 440 view product

Alcohol-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.

Thinner 445 view product

Benzene-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.

Thinner 450 view product

Aromatic content solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.

Thinner 455 view product

Alcohol-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.

Thinner 460 view product

Water-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.

Thinner 465 view product

Alcohol-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.

Thinner 470 view product

Alcohol-based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and diluting to desired viscosity.

Thinner 475 view product

An ketone like solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and to get the right viscosity

Thinner 480 view product

Alcohol based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and to get the right viscosity.

Thinner 485 view product

Alcohol based solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and to get the right viscosity as well the shorter drying time.

Thinner 490 view product

Ketone type solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and for setting the desired viscosity.

Thinner 495 view product

Ketone type solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and for setting the desired viscosity.

Thinner 121 view product
Alcohol-like solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and for setting the desired viscosity.
Thinner 990 view product

Alcohol-like solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and for setting the desired viscosity.

Thinner 8079 view product

Alcohol-like solvent mixture for thinning special stamping inks and for setting the desired viscosity.

This oil-free stamping ink is excellent for initial filling of office stamp pads as well as refilling and for self-inking stamps such as PRINTY's von COLOP, TRODAT, etc.

A translucent stamping ink designed for children's games in accordance with the latest EU directive EN71/3.

Developed especially for packaging in medical technology, this micro-pigmented, light-resistant stamping ink has a solvent base. The binding agent used makes this stamp imprint resistant to sterilization with gamma rays and steam.

CONSTANTA P view product

Solvent-based stamping ink developed using highest quality pigments for marking legal documents and cheques as well as certificates and bonds. The special colour pigments cannot be removed subsequently in chemical processes. The CONSTANTA P also has a very high resistance to light, so that the marking does not bleach out.

This stamping ink is approved by banks for marking bank documents such as checks or remittance forms prior to processing with reading machines. This special ink is not recognized by readers and therefore does not lead to any malfunctions. However the color is easily legible on microfilms or color copies.

These dayglow inks contain fluorescent colour pigments which glow even when excited by normal sunlight. The chemical structure of the luminous pigments causes high frequency radiation (UV and light in the blue spectrum) to be converted to lower frequency, visible light. In twilight, when the light contains a very high percentage of blue, this water-based stamping ink has a very intense colour and effect.

A ink to paint and blots; This skin-friendly paint colour for children was designed especially with regard to the EU standard EN 71. It can be used with fingers, brushes or pens and can be superbly or wash off from the skin or clothes. So also hand or foot imprints of infants can be made thereof without leaving residues on the skin remain after washing. This stamping ink is available in the colours black, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple and brown. Other colours can be produced on request. Ask our laboratory.

Similar to CONSTANTA P, stamping ink containing solvents developed on the basis of high quality pigments, whereby an additional counterfeiting protection feature to prevent making of colour copies is also provided here. To prevent counterfeiting, an intensive UV marker was added so that the non-copyable seal can also be recognized under UV light. Here, it is important that the paper does not contain any optical whitener, because this illuminates in the same frequency range as the marker.

Similar to the CONSTANTA P, the quick-drying stamping ink 4062 P is based on high-quality pigments, but in this case an additional anti-counterfeiting protection has been built in, which can be seen under UV light but cannot be copied. The only important thing is that the paper does not contain any optical brightener, as this glows in the same wave range as the marker.

An advancement of the oil-base stamping inks 6060 and 6060 D excellent for initial inking and re-inking laser-engraved foam rubber.

Oil-base pigmented stamping ink developed especially for metal stamps, pagination machines and numbering machines. The special chemicals ensure that the pagination machines and numbering machines do not become sticky and that the metal stamps are not corroded.

This oil-base pigmented stamping ink was developed for areas with high humidity. It provides maximum protection against corrosion for pagination machines, numbering machines and metal stamps. The chemicals simultaneously lubricate the metal in the pagination machines in the area of the printing block and protect the gears against resin deposits.

Neutralon view product

This special liquid was developed especially for neutralization of Coloris steel etching ink. It reacts immediately neutralizing the excess acid.

Bronze oxide 4727 view product

Corrosive liquid developed especially for use by artists. For use in crafts for burnishing and antiquing of metal parts such as copper, brass or iron. However this ink is not suitable for use on deeply etched surfaces or on high alloy steels.

Steel etching fluid 4726 view product

Quick acting fluid for marking cast iron, tool steel or carbon steel products. Not suitable for deep-etching, high alloy steels or hardened stainless steels.

Verdigris solution view product

Corrosive liquid developed especially for use by artists. This is used in the crafts field for creating verdigris primarily on copper and brass as well as for ageing iron. However, not suitable for deep etching or high alloy steels.

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