1026 ST


1026 ST is a quick drying, low viscosity, translucent solvent-based stamping ink. It was developed especially for Styrofoam or similar hard-foam panels and does not attack common types of EPS foam. A slower drying version 1026 is also available.

It provides extremely colour-intensive prints particularly suitable for stamping on edges. We do not recommend stamping the surfaces of Styrofoam panels, because liquid adhesives or moisture can dissolve the ink leading to discoloration or shadows on light surfaces or wallpaper.

8081 P ink with a similar drawing time or as slower drying version 8080 P is available as a migration-free stamping ink for Styrofoam surfaces.

Drying time:


low viscosity, ~13sec
(Ford 4mm cup)

Stamp material:
Rubber, metal or special photo polymers

Stamp pad material:
For 1026 ST we recommend felt plate pads, the MARK II-pads, foam rubber or felt rollers. In the case of automatic stamping machines, systems with an ink reservoir are preferred.

Thinner 425

Available standard sizes:
50ml/g · 250ml/g · 1000ml/g · 5000ml/g

Downloads for the product

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PDF data sheet
Safety data sheets

You can download all available safety data sheets for the color variants via the following field in the form of a PDF file. You need Acrobat Reader to view the file.
